Third Age Total War
third age total war

third age total warthird age total war

Third Age Total War Update Vs DisplayBurn_Piggies_Burn

Forces 40% damage to a random gatehouse and a nearby straight section. If set to 0, then the denominator will be set to number_of_turns, giving an interval of 1Regenerate_radar : Does what it says on the tinAdjust_sea_bed : adjusts whole sea bed to specified heightReload_shaders : reloads all vertex shadersToggle_perfect_spy : toggles everyone's spying ability to perfect and infinite range, and off againReset_display : Forces a display_close() display_open() display reset cycleProcess_rq  : Completes all (possible) recruitment pending in queueForce_diplomacy  : Forces the negotiator to accept or decline a propositionDiplomatic_stance  : Set the diplomatic stance between the two factions (factions must be different)Invulnerable_general  : makes that named general invulnerable in battleTest_ancillary_localisation : adds all ancillary to the character info displayPerf_times : Toggle display of simple performance times of game update vs displayBurn_piggies_burn  : ignite all the piggy winksTest_message  : Test the event message specified in descr_event_enums.txtShow_terrain_lines  : display defensive terrain featuresMessage_collation_set : Set the message collation on or off (sets all factions)Show_all_messages : Show all messages to all factions (on/off)Clear_messages : Clear all the current stacked messagesUpgrade_settlement  : upgrade settlement levelToggle_wireframe : Toggle wireframe renderingToggle_flowing_water : toggles display of campaign map flowing waterNw_stats : toggles display of network stats.List_units  : lists all of the units in an army, with details.Army units (total strength: %i) : unknownVictory  : show victory message for faction for short or long campaign.Trigger_advice  : - triggers an advice threadDamage_wall  : Damage wall of settlement. Remove_ancillary  : removes ancillary from the character an ancillary (default = all)Give_trait  : gives the character a trait at level (default = level 1)Remove_trait  : removes a specified trait from the character (default = all)Disable_vnvs : toggles whether to disable game applying traits and attributesProcess_cq  : Completes all (possible) construction pending in queueCharacter_reset : resets the character back to it's start of turn settingsShow_cursorstat : shows the cursor position and region idToggle_terrain  : toggles the terrain to display various data sets, no param resets to normalJericho : and the walls came a-tumblin' downWrite_ui_cache : writes out the ui texture cache to diskGive_trait_points  : gives the character points for traitList_traits : lists all the available traitsList_ancillaries : lists all the available ancillariesMp  : gives the character movement pointsList_characters  : lists all the characters in the world or those belonging to a factionShow_landings  : shows the landing positions available to the ai from a given region, default hides themFilter_coastlines : applies filter to world map coastlinesToggle_coastlines : toggles strategy map coastline displaySet_building_health  : sets health of a building of the specified type (eg core_building) in a settlement, so that the final health percentage is as specified for building chains see export_descr_building.txtAi_turn_speed  : sets the maximum speed of turn processing during the ai round maximum supported speed is 255xAmdb_min : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for min zoomAmdb_max : sets aerial map overlay depth bias for max zoomAmdb_offset : sets aerial map overlay offset towards cameraZoom : zooms to specified aerial map zoom (only valid during a view of the strategy map)Set_ranking_interval : sets the denominator of the faction ranking graph interval which is calculated as (number_of_turns / denominator). 9:36pm Originally posted by ThatBoyFresh23: So whats the difference. Only Microsoft 2000/xp supports this game.Third Age Total War So whats the difference between the regular campaign and the sub mod divide and conquer < > Showing 1-15 of 27 comments.

Third Age Total War Full And Minimal

"horde" surrenders regions for all factions that can be hordesToggle_chat_log : shows or hides the multiplayer chat windowBounds : toggle display of bounding objectsSet_option  : Set new value for specified option (use 1 and 0 for boolean options)Capabilities  : list details of the recruitment capabilities of a settlementRecruitment_pool  : list details of the current recruitment pool of a settlementDiplomacy_costs  : displays a list of raw and perceived diplomacy items costs from the perspective of the receiving faction.Create_mission  : Attempt to create and add a mission to the specified factionToggle_HUD_mode: switches between full and minimal HUD during a battle.Print_shortcuts: prints all the keyboard shortcuts for the current handler to documentation/current_handler_shortcuts.

third age total war