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Hax SeptemLeave a Comment on CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP1 Multilang for SolidWorks 2020-2022 CAMWorks Wire EDM Includes 2-axis and 4-axis CNC wire EDM, 2-axis contouring operations automatically create roughing, tab cuts and finishing cuts on 2.5 axis elements. Learn how to create 2D sketches and then extrude, revolve, loft, and sweep these features into 3D objects. Find out how to make cuts and create standard holes, and explore more advanced modeling techniques using blocks, mirroring, and the SOLIDWORKS pattern tools. Then review best practices for putting parts together in assemblies and creating detailed drawings. Along the way, Gabriel highlights new features from the 2020 release, as well as features designed for users with pen or touch devices.
4-axis contouring operations automatically create roughing, tab cuts and finishing cuts on 4-axis elements.The module for creating control programs for 2- and 4-axis machining on cut EDM machines with CNC.The function of automatic processing of typical elements of the geometry of the part.Customizable and expandable library of materials and cutting data.Postprocessor generator for all types of control racks.Visualization of processing with simulation of material removal.Quantitative analysis of processing results.Saving the processing results to an STL file.Creation of reports on the results of processing. CAM (Computer Aided Manufacturing) Works - a module for creating NC programs for wire EDM for CNC machines.CAMWorks Wire EDM - includes 2-axis and 4-axis wire EDM on CNC, 2-axis contouring operations automatically create rough, tab cuts and finish cuts on 2.5 axis elements. Search company information, phone number, number of employees, year of establishment, name of director. CAMWorks WireEDM Pro 2021 SP1 Multilang for SolidWorks 2020-2022 (x64)Find all companies on the global about Solidworks 2020 Sp5 Download Torrent.